2009년 11월 30일 월요일

How to detect media bias/propaganda, and media empires

How to detect media bias/propaganda, and media empires

We are living in the media world. Every day we have seen some commercials, news and so on. It is big influence to us. Sometimes, it is good but bad effects to us in general. We have to own critic eyes to the media and study about how to detect media bias/propaganda, and media empires.

The power of the Media could possible the entire world closer than ever before. We can know different countries news in real time through media. A lot of people can feel sympathy to different countries news easily. So the more develop media world, the more people can show same news and they believe it is always real. This situation can explain through mass psychology. The video ‘war of the world’ is a good example of this situation. So many people shocked when the announcer said the Martians landed on earth and attacked us. It looks like a real. Announcer is also pretended real and broadcasted some urgent scream. But it was not real. It was just an event before Halloween. The video ‘outfoxed’ is also good example of this situation. This video criticizes the fox video. Fox video’s owner is Rupert Murdoch who controls the news and sometimes distorts that but public hard to realize. The reason why they are accustomed to mass media like fox news.

It is very difficult to detect media bias, propaganda, and media empires. As we saw ‘war of the world’ and outfoxed a lot of people believe media totally. Therefore, first, we have to realize that media is also just someone’s point of view. Media is not the absolute truth. So we have to criticize media as like neighbor’s opinion. Second, we have to see some media information through comprehensive mind. It is possible to make a different opinion about one event. Therefore, we should hear different ideas about one event and we estimate comprehensively.

2009년 11월 15일 일요일

Edward L. Bernay’s impact to the American democracy and consumerism

L.Bernay is a psychologist. He is a Sigmund Freud’s nephew. Freud is also psychologist. L. Bernay was an expert about PR(Publc Relation) based on psychology. He called as the ‘Father of Spin’. The word ‘spin’ means that a cooked up information but it is based on fact not the fake. L. Bernay was good at decorating some informations. So he known as the ‘Father of spin’. He usually worked up with manufacturing company. He contributed to sell some products. For example, Ivory soap and Lucky strike are the representative product.

The mean of spin is similar with conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom relate to public psychology. We can usually find ‘conventional wisdom’ in the custom of country. For example, korean sometimes thinks that white people are rich and smart but black people are poor and stupid so korean prefer white people when they met with foreigner. The mean of spin sometimes base on the junk science. Junk science is temtating a lot of people. It is based on assumption but said as like truth. It is useful way to sell some product because a lot of people believe scientific fact is always it is very dangerous situation.

L.Bernay’s work influence a lot to the American democracy and consumerism. He helped John Calvin Coolidge who America’s 30th president. John Calvin Coolidge was imaged very stiff and called at first. But after L.Bernay teached him as a self PR way, John Calvin Coolidge was changed more favorable than before. It is called as a PI(President Identity). It was big influencing to the America’s democracy politic society and It is still useful way to show some good images to the public as politicians.

Product PR is the most important part to sell the product in consumerism society. L.Bernay was good at Product PR. Ivory soap and lucky strike are the representative product. He ancouraged people to attend sculpture contest using ivory soap. It was being very famous contest and people used ivory soap more and more. He also ancouraged people(especially woman) smoke lucky strike cigarett as show some good imagenary through media ad. He shows that woman smoke with man naturally and said ‘it is symbolized woman’s progressive mind’.

There are a lot of examples similar with L.bernay’s work in korea. Dr. whang was a very contraversial people in korea. He announced some theory about embryonic stem cell in the world science magazine. It was a big issue because his theory seems like solving incurable disease right away and a lot of korean anticipated Dr. Whang might take a novel prize. So many press reported as like a hero. Dr. Whang was used for encouraging the nation. But it was a fake, he fabricated a thesis and commited an error while he was working.

2009년 10월 11일 일요일

News Judgement and Growing Up Online

1) News Judgement

I chose the news "Cho Doo Soon accident" which Cho Doo Soon did a sexual violence to the young woman. It was a very bad accident and all of the korean people angry to a criminal and a court. Because court conducts a light punishment comply with the accident level.

Impact : It was so big issue to everyone in korea. Expecially, all of the woman in korea are very shocked and angry.

Conflict : This accident cause some conflicts between court and nation. The court conducted a light punishment to the criminal because the criminal was drunken. The court thinks that he was drunken so he could not control himself but this is a very unreasonable so a lot of nations are shocked and angry.

Prominence : There is no prominence part in this news.

Proximity : Historically, woman are always endangerd from the crime which usually related a sexual violence so this accident is very close with every woman.

Freshness : A sexual violence is a little common around the world but this accident cause very controversial discussion. At this point of view "Cho Doo Soon accident" is a fresh to us.

Novelty : There is no novelty part in this news.

Some part of the news meet a criteria but Some part of the news don't meet a criteria.
It is so difficult to meet all of the criteria because each criteria have a different features.

Social and economic news may be a relevant and useful with us because that news conduct
a news which very close relationship with us.

2) Growing Up Online

Actually, at this time, using the internet is the essential for the teenagers. There are a lot of materials for the study in the internet. Some teenagers were temtated by bad sources of the internet. It is usually a game, sexual video and so on but if parents take care their children continuosly, it could be controled. Nielsen report is also saying that teens don't waste their time watching TV or surfing the internet too much unlike our expectation, teenagers also read newspapers and listen to the radio. Therefore, i don't worried about teenager's internet habit seriously.

2009년 10월 3일 토요일

Anchor & Connotation

Nike and Adidas are rival each other in the sports equipment market. "JUST DO IT" is a
Nike's famous copy praise and "Impossible is nothing" is also Adidas's famous copy praise.
If i am a Adida's CEO, I could recommend this changing copy praise :) This change can be
a marketing strategy.

Anchor & Connotation

The real title was "JUST DO IT". It is a very famous copy praise. In this picture, a boy is
peeing to the wall which written the Nike's copy praise "JUST DO IT". It looks funny to me
so i change it. It is just a joke.

Anchor & Connotation

Actually, the real title was "king of beers" but if you drink a "king of beers" like a king,

you would be a "hang over" :)

2009년 9월 20일 일요일

Reply for the video

1. Social media in plain English

That video shows very interesting methaphor using icecrem. Especially, i deeply impressed by that words "By the people, for the people". Social media can be possible to communicate with all around the world people through social media such as blog in internet and it can be more powerful than other advertise system.

2. Blogs in plain English

All people can create some own places in the internet world. It can be easily send some messages and news. People easily get a lot of information through blogs but it also can be dangerous to people because the anonymity, accessibility, and ease with internet users can operate some bad information on the Internet.

Media use and effect

If someone ask you “what is the media”, you would refer to television, radio, newspaper and magazine as the media. These days, media technology is extremely developed but when I was a pre-school child, it was not. When I was a child –Actually, I can’t remember exactly because I was too young to remember all things- I used to read a fairly tales like a Aesop’s fables. I liked reading a book so I read a lot of fairly tales. It is good effect to me because I am still like reading a book.
When I was a elementary school, I used to read a fairly tale and comic book. Especially, I loved comic book. At that time, a fairly tale was so easy to me so when my school class was high, I didn’t read a fairly tale any more. I sometimes drew a painting by imitating comic books. We learn many things by imitation. It was such a good effect to my drawing skill but it also bad effect to me as stealing my study time.

When I was a middle school, I used to listen a radio and read a newspaper. At that time, “별이 빛나는 밤에” is the most famous redio program. I listend that every night. Actually, reading a newspaper was hard to understand to me. So I sometimes skipped the policy, economy and society section and just read a sport section. I got so many knowledges through radio and newspaper. It was helpful to my study.
When I was a high school, essay type examination was very important so I read a lot of magazines such as “독서평설”, “한겨레” and so on. Usually, it was such a boring but I had to read that magazines for my university exam.

These days, I still read a comic book, newspaper and magazine but it is less than before. At current time, I almost waste time for using internet. All of the media contents are in internet. So I can listen radio and read a book instead of turn on the radio or buy a book. Using internet it is helpful get a lot of information and connect with friends who lives far away.

2009년 9월 13일 일요일

ad deconstruction


A. The Message of the Ad
1. Background: This advertisement is made at locker room and before soccer game is starting. The length of the TV is 2:37 seconds. This ad is made for selling all of the Nike sports equipment.

2. Target Audience: In fact, there is no particular audience to this Nike ad. Nike is a company which selling sports equipment so all of the sports mania is a target audience.

3. Hook and Story: This ad just show Brazil soccer team training before the game. It looks like fun and no tension. Actually, so many athlete feel tension before game but brazil soccer team does not feel tension. This ad said that if you put on Nike equipment, you would feel fun comfortable.

4. Primary Informational Message: Brazil soccer team is the most famous soccer team in this world so Nike company looks like also the most famous company through this ad.

5. Secondary Messages (techniques of structure): This ad don't use particular techniques. This ad say nothing about the actual product. This ad just transfer Nike's image through show which looks like fun and comfortable.

B. Composition

1. Characters: brazil national soccer team

2. Setting: locker room and playing ground

3. Copy: This ad don't say particular messages but frequently show Nike's logo.

4. Sound: Conversation between team members

5. Visual: fun, exiting and cheerful

6. Color and Lighting: The color is bright and that color suggests some exciting and cheerful mood.

7. Point of View: Usually use close shot but when play ground scean they used long shot.

8. Details and Accessories: All of the members put on the Nike uniform

C. Summary Observations

1. Intended and Unintended Effects: This ad intended to suggest message "Nike is the best"

2. What the Ad Does Not Show: A lot of sport equipment ad shows tension arose from the sport game but in this ad, there is no tension.

3. Personal Reaction: Audiences who see this ad may think that if i put on the Nike equipment, i would also play like a brazil soccer player.

